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Sports Solutions in Medicine Hat

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The truth about being an athlete who needs prescription glasses is that your everyday glasses probably aren’t going to cut the mustard, and that is okay! There are so many different options to pick from now, no one should be without a few solid possibilities, depending on their needs.

Are you a swimmer? Depending on how strong your prescription lenses are trying to swim laps or even just playing at the local leisure center with your kids can be a challenge. Wearing your glasses in chemical water can damage expensive coatings. And let’s be honest, who wants to be 1, 2, 3, breathe…1, 2, 3, breathe with their fancy designer frames on their face? And forget about if you are in a lake or ocean. So many times, we have people come in after vacation, letting us know that they lost their sunnies, or glasses in the water. 

Our solution- Prescription swim goggles! They can be customized to your left and right eye, adjusted to fit comfortably and are very reasonably priced.

So, what about those wearing helmets? Hockey, ball, football, even motorcyclists. Anytime you add a properly fitted helmet over a pair of prescription frames they push into the sides of your head and hurt your ears. No one wants to be thinking about the pain their glasses are causing- smushing their sensitive cobs when they should be focusing on the big game.

Our solution- Sports goggles! These handy units should be part of the gear game plan for any sports enthusiast. They fit snug against the front of your face with the strap that wraps right around your head, leaving your ears room to wiggle around inside your helmet. These also offer the added protection of keeping debris or opponents fingers out of your eyes. Because it really is only fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye.

Where are the dancers, gymnasts, and other solo style athletes at? How often when you are spinning or tumbling or flying through the air do you wish you didn’t have to wear your glasses at all? But accuracy is important and you need to see your mark, and have proper depth perception. As geek sheek as designers make glasses now (I truly feel, everyone should have multiple pairs to match moods and outfits), you want to be the star of the show, let your skill and sequins do the sparkling!

Our solution- Contact lenses! Contact lenses have come a long way. There are so many options as far as daily, weekly, monthly lenses. Really, whatever suits your needs. They are more hydrated and let way more oxygen get through to your eyes than in past years and are far more comfortable. With the option of daily lenses, care has become much easier. We offer training, and one day trials to assist you and make this transition smooth as can be.

Outdoor specific fun like cycling, ball, fishing, golf, running and kayaking rather than talking about clear lenses we really should be talking about sunglasses, unless you’re fishing in the dark, which is a totally different blog post…

Our Solution- Many of our sunglass providers offer sport specific lenses for whatever your extreme might be. Often, depending on if you are looking at a red shale path, or with the deep hues a golf green has to offer you require different levels of contrast and different tints are going to make things more beautiful. These are available in prescription or non-prescription lenses, so we have this solution to offer people who need glasses or those who don’t.

No matter what your passion is, you only have one set of eyes so protecting them and investing in the proper tools for your sport will only help you to excel!

Comprehensive eye exams are important for good health and vision. 20/20 Vision Care in Medicine Hat offers a dedicated team of staff for all optometry needs, including an emergency eye care centre, the largest selection of frames with over 2000 choices and a dedicated kids department.

Written by Lindsay Nelligan

Lindsay was born and raised in Medicine Hat. She got her start in the optical industry when she was just 17 years old and fell in love with it. She started at 20/20 Vision Care in 2001. Currently, the optical manager, Lindsay loves working with patients and staff. The ever-changing optical industry is the perfect fusion of science and fashion that is always exciting to her! Being a mother of five keeps her busy when she is not here at the store.

Being a mother of five keeps her busy when she is not here at the store.

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Our Family

At 20/20 Vision Care, we provide comprehensive vision care services, including eye exams, contact lens exams, dry eye therapy, and a wide selection of frames and lenses.

Designed specifically to best manage eye-related health concerns and disease. We also handle urgent eye care matters like foreign bodies, infections, and trauma.

20/20 Mobile Care

Your children undergo crucial visual development at a young age, and we want to be a part of this journey. We offer children’s eye exams and myopia management to help your children thrive.

We understand that not everyone can make it into our office, so we offer mobile services for those that are homebound, and service the senior homes in our area as well.

20/29 Vision Care Kids

Our Locations

20/20 Vision Care

Find us just down from the Dairy Queen in the heart of downtown on 3rd Street, across from the CORE Association.

  • 431 3rd St. SE
  • Medicine Hat, Alberta
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20/20 Urgent Care & 20/20 Kids

Located directly behind our 3rd Street Building, just down from the Fifth Avenue Memorial Church.

  • 444 4th St. SE
  • Medicine Hat, Alberta
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