Tips for Selecting Glasses in Medicine Hat

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Simplify The Frame Shopping Process 

Choosing a new pair of glasses or sunglasses can be a very fun experience, but also a difficult one. When there are so many stylish frames to choose from, like at our 20/20 Vision Care offices, the choice can feel impossible. Ultimately, you should choose a pair of frames that makes you feel great but there are tips to help you find a style that will flatter and enhance your features.

Once you decide what style you like best, try some pairs on virtually.

Face Shape Theory

While everyone’s face is unique, there are face shape categories that help to describe different facial features. The 5 most common face shapes are oval, round, square, heart, and triangle, with each of them having particular styles of glasses that may look best on them. While this is not a one-size-fits-all system, it can be a good starting point to keep in mind when you are browsing our frame selection.

Face Shapes & Recommended Styles

Read more about the five face shapes and frame styles that may suit them best:


An oval-shaped face has more length than width and is considered a universal shape that many different styles will flatter. Styles to try out are:

  • Oversized frames
  • Cat-eye frames
  • Square or rectangular frames

Around face is wider in the cheeks and not as long as an oval face, giving it a circular look. With a soft face shape, some recommended styles to compliment fuller cheeks are:

  • Geometric-shaped frames
  • Cat-eye frames

A square face has an equally wide jawline and cheekbones, giving a symmetrical, square look. With slight angles, some recommended styles for a square face are:

  • Round frames
  • Oval frames
  • Thin frames

A heart-shaped face is an inverted triangle shape with a wider forehead and narrower cheekbones. If you have a heart-shaped face, some styles to try out include:

  • Bottom-heavy frames
  • Aviator frames
  • D-frames
  • Oval frames

A triangle face is the opposite of a heart-shaped face with a narrow forehead and wider jawline, but many similar styles also flatter this shape. If you have a triangle-shaped face, some styles to try out include:

  • Top-heavy frames
  • Aviator frames
  • D-frames
  • Oval frames

Let Us Help You Pick the Perfect Pair

While this face shape theory guide can be a fun way to narrow down your frame search, any style that catches your eye should be one that you try on. Book an appointment and let us help you pick out the perfect pair of frames from our collection.

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Our Family

At 20/20 Vision Care, we provide comprehensive vision care services, including eye exams, contact lens exams, dry eye therapy, and a wide selection of frames and lenses.

Designed specifically to best manage eye-related health concerns and disease. We also handle urgent eye care matters like foreign bodies, infections, and trauma.

20/20 Mobile Care

Your children undergo crucial visual development at a young age, and we want to be a part of this journey. We offer children’s eye exams and myopia management to help your children thrive.

We understand that not everyone can make it into our office, so we offer mobile services for those that are homebound, and service the senior homes in our area as well.

20/29 Vision Care Kids

Our Locations

20/20 Vision Care

Find us just down from the Dairy Queen in the heart of downtown on 3rd Street, across from the CORE Association.

  • 431 3rd St. SE
  • Medicine Hat, Alberta
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20/20 Urgent Care & 20/20 Kids

Located directly behind our 3rd Street Building, just down from the Fifth Avenue Memorial Church.

  • 444 4th St. SE
  • Medicine Hat, Alberta
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